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                                                              About WealthProbe by Cache Smart


System Requirements:  Memory: 2 GB RAM, hard drive space: 200 MB, Operating System: Any Microsoft version of Windows 10 or higher. 

Why WealthProbe Was Developed: In 1978, Congress enacted section 401(k), setting into motion the beginning of an immense change in how companies would fund employee retirement plans. The result was a massive shift away from defined benefit retirement plans, in which the companies handled all investment decisions for their employees and promised to pay each employee a set amount in retirement. Companies found it advantageous to shift to defined contribution plans like 401ks, IRAs, and their defined contribution cousins. These defined contribution accounts place the responsibility for investing and monitoring an individual’s progress with their retirement plans on the individual. Unfortunately, most individuals lack the resources to pay an expert to help manage their retirement accounts, and many lack the time, knowledge, and experience needed to manage their own retirement planning. In short, many individuals are left on their own.

WealthProbe is designed to affordably allow individual investors to get an idea of how well they are doing with respect to their own retirement, and our carefully designed user interface makes it easy. Although it doesn’t attempt to replace a paid investment advisor, it does allow access to critical individualized information for those that either can’t afford professional assistance or don’t want to pay the fees involved. It can also serve as an alternative source of information for those who are able to hire professional help.

WealthProbe is the first in a line of products by Cache Smart designed to help individuals answer a myriad of questions (specific to their unique situation) about saving for and executing their retirement years. If you have any questions or issues pertaining to WealthProbe, please send them to us via the WealthProbe Contact form on this website. All questions and issues of a corporate nature should be sent using the contact form on CacheSmart-us.com.
